Reusable/Recycled Gift Wrap

 Happy Belated Halloween! 

 Have you been using your green cleaning products? :) 


Unfortunately, I think I made the hand sanitizer a little late – seasonal cold/flu has been ravaging the Game/Cawood apartment.  But I have the sanitizer now, and hopefully it will work the rest of the season!


Alright, so onto November.  This month’s change is going to be really fun.  The holidays are approaching, and it seems that as soon as December hits the madness begins.  Join me this year in staying ahead of the game by:


Making reusable/recycled gift wrap!


Why reuse/recycle gift wrap?

According to Planet Green, each year between Thanksgiving and New Years paper consumption in the U.S. increases by about 25%!  Even if you recycle all that gift wrap, it’s still coming from a whole lot of trees and will require a significant amount of energy and water in the recycling process.


How does one make reusable/recycled gift wrap?

If you want to make gift wrap that can be reused, there are a number of options (fabric, cloth bags, towels, etc.).  If you want to recycle paper into gift wrap, try using maps, paper bags with prints, or even foil.  The following sites have some great ideas:

 Don’t want to make gift wrap alone?

Host a gift wrap-making party!


Have a very happy November!






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