Greening your Doggie Bags! 

Hi all,

 Welcome to March!  It looks like spring is just around the corner!

I realize February’s challenge was pretty difficult – it’s not easy to give up energy-consuming products in the dead of winter!  But please share your experience anyway at :


I think a simpler challenge is in order for March.  Are you planning on going out to eat this month?  Then this challenge is for you!  I always end up with a hefty portion of leftovers.  I love leftover restaurant food…but the typical styrofoam take-out containers would make any landfill cringe.  So this month:


Let’s bring reusable containers to restaurants for our leftovers! (or take-out, etc.)



What kind of container should I bring?

What is convenient for you?  You might choose something that is easy for you to put in your purse, pocket, or bag.  I have found that small pyrex containers work well – since they are glass I don’t have to worry about any plastic residues getting into my food when reheating it.  Metal tins would also work well.  You may need to adapt your container depending on the place you are eating at (e.g. pizza does not fit well in a 8 oz. glass container).


Will I look a little crazy bringing my pyrex into a restaurant?

No! Well, maybe, but think of it as an opportunity to educate restaurants about the value of reusable leftover containers.  Ask them if they’ll give you a discount for bringing your own container.  In my experience, waiting staff have been very intrigued by this practice and responded very positively.


How is this good for the environment?

Bringing your own container prevents that styrofoam container from entering the landfill!  In addition, since most containers are styrofoam or other plastic (although some now are cardboard which is a little better) they are derived from petroleum sources – thus requiring substantial energy to produce.


Is there anyone else in the world doing this?

Yes! In fact there is a whole campaign to do this very thing:  It’s called “Takeout, without: Fill Your Stomach, not the Landfill.”  Their website also has a lot of great resources and even a gallery of ideas for storing food in reusable containers. You can even post your photos on their Flickr site for others to see!

Also, check out this youtube video on GristTV about reusable containers for restaurants:


As you dine out on St. Patty’s Day this year, bring a symbolic element of green to your celebratory experience with a reusable container!




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