Choose Your Own Adventure!

Greetings!  This is the last of the year-long monthly email challenges!  Thank you so much for staying on board with these - it has been a really useful experience for myself to sample new behaviors every month, and I hope that some of you have also gained something from the experience.  I am planning on putting together the art book on this year-long endeavor, so please send me anything you would like included (reflections, art pieces, random thoughts, etc.).  It will likely be several months before the final product is complete, so it's definitely not too late to submit.

So for the final behavior and in honor of the 40th anniversary of Earth Day this month, I thought it would be useful to offer a "choose your own adventure".  Choose an environmental behavior that you have been dying to try or one that maybe one that just needs a little extra focus.  If you would be willing to share them with me and the group (and I may bug you with more emails about this), please do email your behaviors my direction! They could make a very interesting conclusion to the book. 

If you need ideas, one of your fellow journeyers sent me this a few weeks ago:

"so i've been super good at byoing containers this month to restaurants and i just had a quick thought about a possible future behavior, though i'm not sure if any of your other month activities have already included this as an element. one thing i'm super bad at and know i need to improve - i microwave plastic. i can't help it. we only have so many jars and glass pyrex containers in our apt that aren't usually the right size but we have a million plastic tupperware, most of which im sure aren't microwave safe but i bring my lunch and dinner to school most every day (good) and microwave in them (bad). how can i encourage myself to stop this environmentally harmful behavior that surely putting toxins into my body and the air? are there others like it that i might not even know i'm doing?"

What do you think? Ready to give your own idea a shot?

Oh, also, while I cannot continue to write these challenges, I have really enjoyed this process.  If anyone is interested in continuing, I am willing to help facilitate a continued email list with monthly challenges.  Each person could take a month and we could sustain the project.  Let me know if you are interested and I will help to set up some sort of way to coordinate this.

Thanks so much everyone!  It has been a pleasure collaborating with you and I will keep you updated on any future book developments :)

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